Tuesday, January 30, 2007

28 January 2007: POWER CHALLENGE – The Race Set Before Us

TOPIC: Endurance; church health, commitment, perseverance, preparation
TITLE: POWER CHALLENGE – The Race Set Before Us. [Adapted from Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening devotional; January 2 “Evening” and January 3 “Morning”]
TEXT: Hebrews 12:1-2 [Cf. Isaiah 41:1 & 49:8-10]
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
These two verses come directly on the close of the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, a section we call "The Hall of Faith." Here God tells us He favors some real rascals of the past. He then turns to telling us these are "a great cloud of witnesses." Huh?

[RACE] In Los Angeles, the LA Marathon runs at about the same time (4 March 2007) as the Iditarod (3 March 2007) is being started in Alaska. Both races are endurance races (one in hours, the other in days); competitors in both races are superior athletes … endurance is an understatement.

Perhaps the Lord will give the LA folks some Alaskan weather for the 26.5-mile run; if He did, they would probably cancel the race.

Maybe the Lord will give this year’s mushers weather like in 2003, the warmest in 80 years. So much so, they moved the starting point 200 miles north (to Anchorage). There was nothing but slush at the official start point.
Those of us embarking on this race that is set before us (the one we must “run with endurance”) will discover there will be no cancellation nor will God move the starting point if conditions are unusual.

FOUNDATIONAL INQUIRY: How does God expect us to have the power to run such a race with endurance?

In the same way the LA Marathon and the Iditarod participants do! There are two areas of focus prior to the races:
FOCUS: 1 – the preparations of sponsors and organizers.
FOCUS: 2 – the preparations of the competitors.
In the same way, God, as the Creator, recruited Christ as Sponsor, and the Holy Spirit as Organizer.

It has all been prepared “beforehand” ...
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10
In Isaiah 49:8 [9-13] the Lord said,
“I will … give You (i.e., His Son) for a covenant of the people.”
HE IS OURS TO POSSESS; Jesus is THE SUM AND SUBSTANCE of this covenant, and the singular consideration of it. It is “of the people”; as such, He is the property of every believer.

Scripture says, "In him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead …." Everything that is or will be is in Him to the fullest degree. No thing is lacking.

Believer, can you to ESTIMATE what you have received in Christ Jesus?

Consider the word "Godhead" and its context – INFINITY. Now, when you are finished meditating on infinity, turn to His ATTRIBUTES, and if you finish with those, turn to His atonement.

For all that Christ, as God and man … that glorious mystery we call the "hypostatic union" … is or ever was, or will be, IS OURS – out of pure free, unmerited favor, handed to us, to be ours FOREVER.

Our blessed Jesus, as God, is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent; doesn’t it comfort you to know that all these great and glorious attributes are altogether yours?

FOUNDATIONAL INQUIRY: How does God expect us to have the power to run such a race with endurance?

The answer to this is found in who God is ...
I. Does God have JUSTICE?
Justice may seem a stern quality to modern man, with all his confusion, but even that is ours to possess. By his justice He will see that we receive all that is contained in His blood covenant of grace.

Christ is His guarantee of a just outcome OUR race.

Without justice there is no love!
II. Does God have LOVE?
There is not a drop of love in His heart that is not ours.

We may leave the shore of this world and venture out into the ocean of His love, and we may say of it all, IT IS OURS.

Will He let us sink into the abyss? No! For His love says, "I AM is 'an anchor of [your] soul.'"
That perfect righteousness which Jesus fashioned, when, through his sinless life, he fulfilled both the law and the prophets, that righteousness is OURS and imputed TO US.

This will allow us to run the race with an infinite measure of integrity.
IV. Does He have PERFECTION?
All that he has as perfect man is OURS.

As God’s perfect “Second Adam,” His Father's delight was upon Him. He stood accepted by the Most High. “Behold, My Son! In whom I am well pleased.”

If we abide in Him, He abides in us. O glory! So the race we run we should run with perfection … if, as Peter says, we are indeed in Him.
V. Does He have POWER?
That's like asking if lions growl; oh, friend, God is omnipotent - He is God almighty.

And His power is OURS to support and strengthen us, to overcome our enemies, and to preserve us even to the end of the age - or in this case to the end of the race "set before us."
APPLICATION/CHALLENGE: Do you now see HOW we are to run this race? Can we imagine running it own our own power, perfection, righteousness, love, or scales of justice?

O believer, God's ACCEPTANCE of Christ is ACCEPTANCE OF YOU [Cp. Romans 6:1-3]; do you not know the love the Father set upon His Son HE SETS ON US?

Christ is in the covenant. [see 1 Corinthians 11:23-25]

Now back to the MARATHON and the IDITAROD: How would it be if the organizers and sponsors did little or no preparation? or what if the athletes refused to train? What if those responsible for the dogs didn't feed them or love them?

In Isaiah 41:1, the Lord said, “Let the people renew their strength.” [For context read 40:31 “…those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.”]

Everything on earth is RENEWED; no created thing is able to continue by itself. John Donne said, “No man is an island.” The Psalmist said, "You renew the face of the year."

Even trees, which are never anxious or let stress shorten their lives, drink up the rain, absorb nourishment from the soil, and anchor themselves to the rocks. Nor is man's life sustained without renewal as ordained by God; nor will he long last unless anchored to the Rock.

Without constant refreshing, we are not ready for the continuous assaults of Satan, or for threats of condemnation, or for the trials and testing of heaven, let alone our own self-inflicted strife.
  • When the HURRICANE does come, woe will be its companion for those who have not stored up the Word’s sap and grasped the Rock of Ages.
  • When STORMS assault our sails, woe to the sailor who has not strengthened his mast, brought an anchor, or sought His safe haven.
  • When GOOD wanes EVIL waxes strong attempting to master us, woe to the runner who has come unprepared for the competition … a painful unhappiness and humiliation follows.
Just as it is necessary to restore the wasted body by regular meals, so we must repair the wasted soul–
• by feeding upon (The Sword of the Spirit which is) the WORD of God
• Or by LISTENING to the preached Word [Romans 10:17]
• Or by the muscle building personality of PRAYER
Paul spoke of buffeting his flesh in order to make it submit to him, so earnest was his desire to serve God in the best of strength and health.

Our spirits waste when we neglect the essentials of good spiritual health! What poor starving saints we are without the diligent and regular consumption of God’s Word and the feasting on prayer!

Let us draw near to God’s footstool of mercy, and realize the fulfillment of His promise, “They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.”





Sunday, January 21, 2007

21 January 2007: OUR CORNUCOPIA OF CHOICE – The Fruit To Eat In Our Temporal Wilderness!

TOPIC: Providence; death, eternity, fruit, provision, reality, sanctification, walk
TEXT: Joshua 5:12
"The manna ceased on the day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, so that the sons of Israel no longer had manna, so they ate some of the yield of the land of Canaan during that year."
FOUNDATIONAL INQUIRY: What ought our fruit be in our earthly wilderness?
TRUTH/CONTEXT: The manna eaten in this life will cease once with the first nibble of eternity’s provision.

It seems foolish to spend precious time and anxious energy (Df. – “greatly concerned … respecting something future or unknown) over the things of this world.

The principle is this: “things above” always trump “things of this world.”

The Scripture says on the day we eat of the fruit of the Promised Land we will no longer eat the old corn. No, in fact we won’t even recall the taste of the old meal or suffer under its insufficiency.

Israel's wearying wanderings were all over. Their promised rest was under foot: no more moving tents, no more testing, no more fiery serpents, no more giants, and no more dusty, dirty desert; they came to the land which flowed with milk and honey, and they ate.

God lifts His hand of provision from us when we take our eyes off Him … maybe not in a way we can see but He will discipline us if we don’t discipline ourselves.

Perhaps this year, this will not be your case or mine.

But God rests His hand of provision upon us when we fix our eyes on Him … maybe not in a way we can immediately discern but He blesses us if when we discipline ourselves.

Perhaps this year, this will be your case or mine.

FOUNDATIONAL INQUIRY: What might our fruit be in this earthly wilderness of ours?
A. A Joyful Life is Ours, Should We Desire It
1. Jesus says we are to …
"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
2. Then Paul defines the Kingdom of God with …
“The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 14:17
B. An active and liberated faith will bear authentic delight
1. The rest which remains for God’s people (the prospect of being with Jesus for all eternity) is a soothing expectation
2. To expect this indescribable glory is a double delight (sounds like a new 31 Flavors)
A. Unbelief trembles in fear on Jordan’s eastern shore; that Jordan which yet rolls between us and Beulah Land
1. But let us rest assured Christ has removed all threats from before His children
“I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!”
Romans 8:38-39
2. Let’s drive out every apprehensive thought, and rejoice with exceeding great joy in the certain knowledge we just might be "forever with the Lord" this year.
[FEAR] Some years ago, a circus act with Bengal tigers was broadcast live. The trainer entered the cage to do a routine performance. The door was locked behind him. The spotlights highlighted the cage, cameras moved in close, and the audience watched in suspense as the trainer put the tigers through their act. However, in the middle of the performance, the lights went out! For 20 or 30 seconds the trainer was locked in a dark cage with Bengal tigers, a whip and a chair. The tigers could see the trainer, but he could not see them!

After the event was over, in an interview, the trainer was asked how he felt while in the cage. He admitted to an initial fear, but then he pointed out the tigers did not know he could not see them. He said, "I just kept cracking my whip and talking to them until the lights came on. They never knew I could not see them as well as they could see me."
We don’t have a whip but we do have a sword …
B. A remnant will tarry on earth this year, to continue in service for our Lord.
If this is your lot, there is no reason why Scripture should not be true for you …
"We who have believed do enter into rest."
Hebrews 4:3
A. The Holy Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance
B. There the heirs are secure; so are we who remain & persevere
C. There they triumph over all enemies, here faith is our victory
A. The heavenly host enjoys communion with their Lord
B. This isn’t forbidden to us
1. they rest in His love; so do we
2. they have perfect peace in Him; so should we
3. they sing His high praises; so do we
4. and they count it a privilege to bless Him; so should we
C. This year we will gather eternal fruit on this temporal rock
D. Yet, as Peter says, if our faith and our hope are not in vain, our wilderness is like a garden planted by Living Water
APPLICATION/CHALLENGE: We should get our minds off the manna of this world, of this wilderness experience, and get them onto things above, the things of Christ, the Bread of Life.
[LOOK] You are familiar, no doubt, with one of the most famous paintings ever done by any artist: The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, that classic portrayal of Christ and the twelve apostles at the table.

Many art historians believe the painting, when first created, was somewhat different from the version which we now see. There was initially, it is believed, an exquisite lace border on the tablecloth.

Upon completion, as the story goes, da Vinci invited a group of his students to view the masterpiece; they were immensely impressed by the delicate lacework. They praised it a great deal.

Seeing the reaction of these young men, the artist took up a brush and obliterated the lace. Then, with uncontrollable furry, he shouted, "Now, you fools, look at the face of Christ!"
Again Jesus said we are to …
"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33
Oh my friends, that we might know the Holy Spirit more; that He might forgive us our aversion to Him, overlook our fearful acknowledgment of Him, and cleanse us of our powerlessness in spite of His constant attendance to us.

Is it well with your soul?

